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An Introduction to Discrete Dynamics


Suppose is a function from to . Then we can define a sequence as follows.

where a is some fixed number we choose. In class we talked about sequences generated this way and gave some examples of how such sequences might arise in models of population growth. For convenience, we will call a sequence generated in this way a recursive sequence.

Studying sequences generated in this way has also been of great interest in the area of mathematics called Dynamical Systems. In fact it was in such systems that the phenomenon of deterministic chaos was first understood. In this project you will investigate the convergence of sequences generated in this way.

To help you out, some simple Maple procedures have been written as part of the CalcP package. These programs will be useful in generating and plotting recursive sequences and are described in a section at the end of this handout. A brief description of each command also appears below. Each of these procedures requires you to define a value for the variable start and a procedure func before you read them in. The value of the variable start is used for and the procedure func is used to generate the sequence. To read these procedures in, use the read command exactly as in the examples. Note that in the read command, the filename must be enclosed in backquotes,(`).

Background and Terminology.

The main question in working with a recursive sequence is to determine the behavior of the sequence for large values of n. If the sequence converges, then the interpretation is straightforward. It turns out, however, that there are several ways in which the sequence can diverge. One way is for the sequence to be asymptotically periodic, which we define as follows. We say that a sequence is periodic with period K if for sufficiently large n and K is the smallest integer for which this is true. For example, every constant sequence is 1-periodic, while the sequence is periodic with period 2. A sequence is asymptotically of period K if it approaches a K-periodic sequence. The sequence , for example, is asymptotically of period 2. Sequences which are bounded but not asymptotically periodic are called chaotic.

There is a very useful graphical procedure for plotting recursive sequences. Given a value for , the value of can be obtained by finding . If we draw a horizontal line from the point to the line y=x we arrive at the point . A vertical line from this point intersects the graph of at the point , whose y coordinate is the next term in the sequence. This procedure can be continued as long as you wish. An example of the first five steps of this algorithm for and is shown in Figure 2 at the end of this handout.


The goal of this project is for you to discover criteria that will let you predict convergence or divergence of recursive sequences. In this section you are led through a series of exercises that will provide you with the answers you need.

  1. Examples and Motivation.
    Examine the sequences generated by the following functions and starting values. Do the sequences converge? Use Maple and the procedures Recur, Sequence, ListSeq, and PlotSeq to investigate. Try other values of a and see if you can get different asymptotic results.

    1. and .
    2. and a=2.
    3. and .
    4. and .
    5. and .
    6. and .

  2. Fixed Points.
    It is easy to see that if f is a continuous function then the limit L of a convergent recursive sequence must satisfy the equation . Solutions of the equation are called fixed points of the function f.

    1. Verify that the limit L of a convergent recursive sequence must satisfy if f is a continuous function.
    2. Find the fixed points of the functions you investigated in the first part of this section. Can all of the fixed points be limits of recursive sequences? That is, for a fixed point L can you find a value of such that the sequence converges to L?

  3. Consider the family of linear functions , where m is a parameter, . Every function in this family has a single fixed point at x=1. Find the values of m for which recursive sequences converge to this fixed point. (It turns out that convergence or divergence is independent of the starting value you choose, so you don't need to worry about this.)

    The following result may be useful to you.

    If there is a number r and a constant c with 0 <c <1 such that

    then the sequence converges to r.

  4. Suppose is continuously differentiable and L satisfies . Based on your answer to the previous part, make a conjecture on f that will guarantee that a recursive sequence that has close to L will converge to L. Try to prove your conjecture.

Project Report.

Your project report should be about convergence of recursive sequences to fixed points of functions. It should not be just a description of what you did in the exercises. Write your report as if you were explaining what you discovered to a friend. The examples in the exercises are just examples; they can be used to motivate your results but they are not the primary results. Use the same structure for your report that you used for the first project.

Maple Procedures for Iterated Functions.

These procedures will help you in generating and plotting recursive sequences. Each of these procedures requires you to define a value for the variable start and a procedure func before you read them in. The value of the variable start is used for and the procedure func is used to generate the sequence. To read these procedures in, use the read command exactly as in the examples. Note that in the read command, the filename must be enclosed in backquotes,(`). If you want to see what these procedures look like, you can copy the files to your home directory. If you are not sure how to do this, ask me, one of the lab monitors, or a friend who knows UNIX.

Figure: First ten iterates for the function with .

Figure: Graphical algorithm for the first five iterates of with .

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William W. Farr
Wed Jul 26 13:43:32 EDT 1995