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Solution methods 5 and 6

These last two attempts at solving our problem use the worksheet from the previous section. You don't have to reload it.

Solution method 5 demonstrates what happens if the equations you want to solve are complicated and contain several parameters. Type in the command shown below.

  > sol1 := solve({x(t)=30,y(t)=5},{t,theta});


This is only a mild example of a Maple result that is not very useful, but it contains some structures that are worth explaining. First notice that the solutions for t and tex2html_wrap_inline321 depend on an expression called %1, which is defined at the bottom of the output region. Maple does this simply to save space in the output. It notices that the solution depends on this expression and saves space by writing the expression only once and writing the solution in terms of this expression.

The other unfamiliar thing that appears in the output of this command is a Maple RootOf structure. Maple uses RootOf(expr) as a placeholder, where expr is a polynomial in tex2html_wrap_inline387 and RootOf(expr) stands for any root of the polynomial. For example, tex2html_wrap_inline389 stands for either of the two roots 1 and -1 of tex2html_wrap_inline395 . Maple always uses the variable tex2html_wrap_inline387 in RootOf structures, so you should avoid using it for one of your own labels.

This is a little easier to see if we substitute the parameter values into the solution with the following command.

  > subs(par_vals2,sol1);


What this is saying is that there is a solution to the equations for each root of the polynomial in the RootOf structure. Given a root, substituting it into the formulas for t and tex2html_wrap_inline321 gives a solution.

There are Maple commands that can be used to manipulate RootOf structures, but they are not usually needed in calculus. Instead, we take another approach to solve our problem. This is to substute the values of the parameters into the equations before invoking the solve command. A way to do it is shown below.

  > solve(subs(par_vals2,{x(t)=30,y(t)=5}),{t,theta});


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Sean O Anderson
Tue Sep 10 11:45:07 EDT 1996