MA 1022 Calculus II Integral Calculus D98

instructor: John Goulet, PhD office: SH 201A x 5036


office hours: Monday 10-12,1-2:30 Weds 5-6 pm Fri 9-12,1-2:30

IA: Christine Palmer SH 205 email:cpalmer

TA: Yan Huang Sh 104 email:hy

topics to be covered: (refer to Calculus by Bradley and Smith)

( here c denotes concept, s skill and a application )

(c) Definite integral through Riemann Sums, area under curve (4.1,4.2)

(a) Numerical integration - Trapezoidal and Simpson's rules (4.6)

(c) Fundamental theorem of calculus, mean value theorem for integrals

(s) antiderivatives: u-substitution (4.3)

(c,a) Area between two curves (4.7 but no economics)

(c,s) Exponential and logarithmic functions (5.1-5.2)

(a) Applications involving derivatives of exp(x) and ln(x)

(s) Derivatives and antiderivatives: exp(x) and ln(x) (5.3-5.5)

(c,s)Inverse trigonometric functions (5.6) Sin-1,Cos-1,Tan-1

(s)  Antiderivatives:integration by parts, other techniques(7.1,7.2,7.4)

(s,a) Volume by disk and shell methods (6.1)

(s,a) Arc length and area of surface of revolution (6.2)

(a) Work (6.3)

(a) 13.Growth and decay models (6.4 except pp. 421-424)


Grade: computed according to

additionally, in order to pass the course, your combined quiz/final score must equal or exceed 70. If it does that, then your overall grade is computed according to the above formula. Finally, if you attend all of the classes then you receive a 5 point bonus after your grade has been computed. This bonus does not apply until you pass the course.

Conference: each Weds (see schedule for your time and room). Depending on your progress prior to conference, you may either get help on areas giving you trouble or work on a sample quiz to help you prepare for Friday’s quiz. Solutions to the quiz will be available and you may grade/score your quiz so you have a clear picture of where you stand. In order to receive the bonus points mentioned above, you must attend conferences also. If you feel you are in excellent shape on the current material, please feel encouraged to go to conference and help someone else – such work is usually beneficial to both parties.

Academic Honesty Issues: the college has encouraged greater communication in this area. Toward this end, the following actions are unacceptable in this course. During a quiz or exam, looking at another person’s paper, talking to another person, using electronically stored notes, referring to notes, or communicating with another person either verbally or by writing. On labs, it is unacceptable to take the work of another team, revise it in a trivial manner and then hand it in as your own. As a general rule of thumb, please do not represent the work of another as your own without properly crediting that person.

Labs: the purpose of labs in this course is to help you learn integral calculus. We view the computer as a means to an end. It allows you to perform numerical and algebraic calculations more quickly and accurately in many instances than by hand. If at any time you feel any work is better done by hand, please feel free to do it that way. Labs will also require a written component. It is important in any major and career path to be able to write competently so that you may communicate with others about technical subject matter. Toward this end, organization, clarity, as well as complete sentences and correct spelling will be assumed.