
         There will be six labs common to all sections of MA 1023. The 
         lowest grade will be dropped.

              LAB DATES               LAB REPORT DUE DATE

              November 3-4            at start of lab on November 10-11
              November 10-11          at start of lab on November 17-18
              November 17-18          at start of lab on November 24-25
              November 24-25          at start of lab on December 1-2
              December 1-2            at start of class on December 8-9
              December 8-9            at the start of lab on December 15-16

         Labs will be posted on the MA 1023 home page and will also be 
         available at the SGA office. Printing copies of the lab sheet 
         in SH 306 is not permitted.


         Lab reports are to be done in teams, each team consisting of 
         exactly two students. In particular, single author or three 
         author lab reports will receive a zero unless prior approval 
         has been obtained from your instructor or IA.

         No co-operation or discussion among teams is permitted. A 
         submitted lab report should be the exclusive work of those 
         listed as the authors. Your lab partner should be enrolled in 
         the same MA 1023 section that you are in. 


         Your lab report will consist of a hard copy of your annotated 
         Maple worksheet. Put a title (LAB REPORT 1) at the top of the 
         first page and follow this with the authors' names and section 
         (Sally Jones and Joe Smith, Section 4).

         Next give a short summary, probably three to five sentences, 
         that describes the major points/goals of the lab and the 
         mathematical concepts addressed. This should be in your own 
         words, not just a restatement of something on the lab sheet. 
         This summary should be written after you have completed all of 
         the exercises of the lab.

         Lastly, address the various exercises of the lab. Each exercise 
         discussion should start with the number of that exercise 
         prominently displayed. After the Maple commands and output for 
         the exercise, give a paragraph that explains the role of the 
         Maple work, identifies the solution to the problem and draws 
         any conclusions that need to be made. Your explanation and 
         conclusion for a given exercise must immediately follow the 
         Maple work for that exercise. Identify answers with the 
         appropriate units (feet, meters per second, square inches, 
         etc.). Of course, all of your comments should be given in full 
         sentences that are grammatically correct.

         Lab reports that are due at the start of a subsequent lab must 
         be printed out before the start of that lab.

         The Maple work that is in the lab report should only contain 
         material that is directly pertinent to the exercises. False 
         starts on problems, mistyped commands that produce extraneous 
         output and other such errors must be deleted from the 


         The reports for all sections of the course will be graded by 
         the Instructors' Associates, Jane Bouchard and Christine 
         Palmer. The major portion of your grade will be determined by 
         the correctness of your mathematical work and the completeness 
         of your explanation/discussion. However your report grade could 
         suffer if you have misspelled words, incomplete sentences 
         and/or other grammatical errors. Your grade will also suffer if 
         you do not adhere to the lab report format described above.

         Labs will be graded on a 25 point basis. That is, the top grade 
         for a lab will be 25.

         Most likely there will be little cause to appeal a lab grade. 
         However if there is an appeal, it must be made to the IA who 
         graded the lab within one week of the day the lab is available 
         to be returned. After that week, no appeal will be accepted. 
         Note that the appeal period starts on the day the report is 
         available, not on the day it is actually picked up.

         LATE LABS

         The rule here is simple and direct: No late labs will be 