Include answers to the following in your lab report:

1) For the confidence intervals computed in step A1, write down:

a) the sample size (5 or 50),
b) the sample mean,
c) the interval,
d) whether it contains the population mean

2) For the prediction intervals computed in step A2, write down:

a) the sample size (5 or 50),
b) the interval,
c) the additional observation, and
d) whether the interval contains the additional observation

3) For the tolerance intervals computed in step A3, write down:

a) the sample size (5 or 50),
b) the interval,
c) the proportion of population values it contains, and
d) whether it contains at least 99% of all population values

4) Provide:

a) two plots of 100 confidence intervals (one for each sample size: 5 and 50), mean widths, and coverage (step B1)
b) two plots of 100 prediction intervals, mean widths, and coverage (step B2) and
c) two plots of 100 tolerance intervals, mean widths, and coverage (step B3)

5) Provde an overall summary of the findings (step C1)