WPI Mathematical Sciences Department

Mathematical Sciences WWW Server

UNIX Commands

by Joseph D. Fehribach   < bach@wpi.edu >

For each command, its syntax and a very brief description of what it does are given. The commands are divided into three sections.

For more details, check manuals, or for on-line help, type to the UNIX prompt

                man  <command>
with <command> replaced by the individual commmand name.

Most Basic Commands

This section contains a list of the most interesting, most basic UNIX commands. "Most interesting" is measured in the subjective opinion of the author. Anyone wishing to suggest additions to this document is welcome to do so. Some commands are specific to WPI.

cp  oldfile  newfile    . . .   CoPy OLDFILE to NEWFILE
cp  oldfile  newdir     . . .   CoPy OLDFILE to NEWDIRectory

mv  oldfile  newfile    . . .   MoVe OLDFILE to NEWFILE (renames OLDFILE)
mv  oldfile  newdir     . . .   MoVe OLDFILE to NEWDIRectory

ls                      . . .   LiSt contents of present working directory
ls  -la                 . . .   LiSt, Long-format, All contents (dots included)
ls  directory           . . .   LiSt contents of DIRECTORY

pwd                     . . .   identifies Present Working Directory
cd                      . . .   Change Directory to home directory
cd  dirname             . . .   Change Directory to directory DIRNAME
cd  -                   . . .   Change Directory to previous directory
mkdir  dirname          . . .   MaKe DIRectory DIRNAME

rm  oldfile             . . .   ReMove OLDFILE
rm  -r  dirname         . . .   ReMove DIRNAME (and everything in it)
rmdir  dirname          . . .   ReMove DIRectory DIRNAME (but only if empty)

pine                    . . .   read your mail with PINE (an easy mail reader)
mail                    . . .   enter MAIL to read your own mail
mail  user@address      . . .   enter MAIL to send a message to USER at ADDRESS

more  filename          . . .   display file FILENAME using MORE paging format
command | more          . . .   "pipe" COMMAND through the MORE paging format
less  filename          . . .   display file FILENAME using LESS paging format
command | less          . . .   "pipe" COMMAND through the LESS paging format

Note:   The command "more" is designed to keep long displays
        from scrolling off the screen before they can be read.
        Inside "more"
                           . . .   down one line
                            . . .   down one screen
                        q          . . .   Quit
                        h          . . .   Help (displays all command options)
        "less" works in much the same way, but allows additional
        options (basically those of the vi editor).  Most people
        prefer "less" to "more."

vi  filename            . . .   edit FILENAME with VI editor
view  oldfile           . . .   VIEW an existing OLDFILE with vi editor
emacs filename          . . .   edit FILENAME with EMACS editor
pico  filename          . . .   edit FILENAME with PICO editor
dxnotepad  filename     . . .   edit FILENAME with DXNOTEPAD editor

tex  paper.tex          . . .   create a dvi-file from the TeX file PAPER.TEX
latex  paper.tex        . . .   create a dvi-file from the LaTeX file PAPER.TEX

lpr  -Pprntr  file      . . .   send ascii/postscrpt FILE to LaserPRinter PRNTR
lpq  -Pprinter          . . .   check the LaserPrinter Queue for PRINTER
lprm  -Pprinter  XXX    . . .   ReMove entry number XXX from queue for PRINTER

dvips -Pprinter file.dvi  . .   send DVI FILE to PRINTER

man  command            . . .   display MANual page for COMMAND

telnet  computername    . . .   TELNET to any internet COMPUTERNAME
rlogin  computername    . . .   Remote LOGIN to any internet COMPUTERNAME
computername            . . .   remote login to a wpi COMPUTERNAME

exit                    . . .   EXIT current shell, return to previous shell
logout                  . . .   LOGOUT (only from login shell)

Intermediate Commands

Commands in this list are more advanced than those on the first list, but in some cases (e.g. "mail"), these may no longer be the optimal commands to choose for many users.

who                     . . .   WHO is currently on your workstation
w                       . . .   similar to "who" but different format
finger                  . . .   what users are currently logged-in at WPI
finger username         . . .   display info on user USERNAME
last | more             . . .   display all recent logins
last -n                 . . .   display LAST "N" logins
last                    . . .   a very silly command to enter from a terminal

mail                    . . .   enter MAIL to read your own mail
mail  user@address      . . .   enter MAIL to send a message to USER at ADDRESS
write  user             . . .   enter WRITE to send message to a logged-in USER
talk  user              . . .   enter TALK to open two-way channel with USER

pine                    . . .   read your mail with PINE (an easy mail reader)
elm                     . . .   read your mail with ELM (more powerful reader)

df                      . . .   Display Filesystem status
du                      . . .   Display sizes of files/subdir in current dir
du  dirname             . . .   Display sizes of files/subdir in DIRNAME
du  -s                  . . .   Display total size of current DIRNAME

ps                      . . .   display information on current users ProceSses
ps -aux | more          . . .   display much info on all ProceSses on sun

diff  file1  file2      . . .   compare DIFFerences between ascii FILE1 & FILE2

passwd                  . . .   set PASSWorD
chmod  XXX  file        . . .   CHange MODe (permissions) on FILE using XXX
chown  newowner  file   . . .   CHange OWNer of FILE to NEWOWNER
chgrp  newgroup  file   . . .   CHange GRouP of FILE to NEWGROUP

cat  file               . . .   display FILE ("more" and "less" are superior)
cat  file1  >  file2    . . .   same as "cp file1 file2"
cat  file1  >>  file2   . . .   append FILE1 to the end of FILE2
cat  >  file            . . .   create FILE and open it to typed terminal input
cat  >>  file           . . .   append typed terminal input to FILE

cal  XXXX               . . .   display CALendar for year XXXX
cal  n  XXXX            . . .   display CALendar for Nth month of year XXXX
date                    . . .   display current DATE and time

spell  file             . . .   check SPELLing in an ascii FILE
ispell  file            . . .   check spelling in an ascii FILE with ISPELL

alias  name  'string'   . . .   make NAME equivalent to STRING (often in .cshrc)
unalias  name           . . .   UNdo an ALIAS

compress  file          . . .   replace FILE by smaller file.Z to save diskspace
uncompress  file.Z      . . .   return FILE.z to original state, i.e., file
gzip  file              . . .   replace FILE by smaller file.gz
gunzip  file.gz         . . .   return FILE.gz to original state, i.e., file

grep  express  file     . . .   display all lines of FILE containing EXPRESSion
                                (from "Get Regular Expression Please" maybe)

chfn                    . . .   CHange FiNger information
gred                    . . .   GRoup file EDitor

Symbolic Commands

This list contains the most interesting symbolic UNIX commands. "Most interesting" is measured in the subjective opinion of the author. Again anyone wishing to suggest additions to this document is welcome to do so.

Wild Cards:
        *       . . .   wild card for an arbitrary number of characters
        ?       . . .   wild card for a single character
Example: mv  *file  newdir ---  MoVe every file ending in FILE to NEWDIR
         mv  ?  newdir     ---  MoVe files with single-character names to NEWDIR

Control Characters:
        ^D      . . .   depending on context, end-of-file, exit, or logout
        ^C      . . .   kill current process
        ^Z      . . .   stop current process ( %  will restart)
        ^S      . . .   freeze the display ( "more" is often superior)
        ^Q      . . .   unfreeze the display
        ^U      . . .   clear command line (delete everything since last return)

        %       . . .   restart most recently stopped process in foreground
       fg %n    . . .   restart process N (bring process N to ForeGround)
        %n      . . .   same as "fg %n"

        % &     . . .   restart most recently stopped process in background
       bg %n    . . .   restart process N (put process N in the BackGround)
       %n &     . . .   same as "bg %n&"

    command  &  . . .   execute COMMAND in the "background"

        !!      . . .   re-execute the last command
        !-n     . . .   re-execute the Nth previous command (relative)
        !n      . . .   re-execute the Nth command from history (absolute)
        !xyz    . . .   re-execute the last command which begins XYZ
    ^xxxx^yyy^  . . .   re-execute last command, replacing  XXXX  by  YYY
        !$      . . .   repeat last word of last command

Note:  additional words may be added to each of the above five; e.g. if the
       last command is "cd" then "man !!" is equivalent to "man cd"

        ~       . . .   home directory
        .       . . .   present working directory
        ..      . . .   parent of present working directory

string > file   . . .   direct the output of STRING to FILE instead of screen
string >! file  . . .   direct output of STRING to FILE even if noclobber is set
string >& file  . . .   direct stardard output & stardard error to FILE
string >> file  . . .   append the output of STRING to FILE
string < file   . . .   use contents of FILE as input for STRING

Maintained by: ma-questions@wpi.edu
Last Updated: 26 May 1999