Solution: At first, this problem looks complex. However, with a few tricks, this problem become much easier.

Step 1: Rewrite the integral by taking out a sin (x):

ò (sin3(x) cos2(x))dx = ((sin2(x) cos2(x) sin(x))dx

Step 2: Substitute sin2(x) = 1 - cos2(x) into the integral:

ò ((sin2(x) cos2(x) sin(x))dx = (1- cos2(x))(cos2(x))(sin x)dx

Step 3: Multiply through and rewrite:

ò (1- cos2(x))(cos2(x))(sin x)dx = (cos2(x) - cos4(x))dx

Step 4: Substitute u = cos x and du = -sin x dx into the integral:

ò (cos2(x) - cos4(x))dx = - (u2 - u4)du

Step 5: Separate into two integrals by using the Sum Rule:

- ò (u2 - u4)du = - ò u2 du + ò u4 du

Step 6: Integrate both integrals using the Power Rule:

- òu2 du + ò u4 du = - u(2 + 1) + u(4 + 1) + C = - u3 + u5 + C

Step 7: Substitute the original values into the equation:

- u3 + u5 + C = cos5(x) - cos3(x) + C.