Week 4
In Calculus II, the students do the
- The inverse trigonometric function (definition of
inverse trigonometric functions) Section 5.6
- Derivative and integrals involving inverse
trigonometric functions (optimization application,
generalized integration formulas for inverse trigonometric
functions) Section 5.6
- Volume (method of cross sections, volume of a solid
with known cross-sectionsl area - pg. 385) Section
- Method of Cylindrical Shells - pg. 391 (Table 6.2 pg.
392 is helpful) Section 6.1
- Arc Length of a Graph (pg. 398) Section 6.2
- Area of a Surface of a Revolution (pg. 400)
- Work (work done by a constant force pg. 404, work done
by a variable force pg. 405, Hooke's law as an application
of the work formula) Section 6.3
- Fluid Pressure and Force - pg. 407 (fluid hydrostatic
force - pg. 408) Section 6.3
- Centroid and Moment of a Plane Region Section
- Volume Theorem of Pappus (pg. 412)
In Physics II, the students do the
- Resistors in Series and in Parallel Ch. 27, Section 1
- Kirchoff's Rule (junction rule and loop rule) Ch. 27,
Section 2
- Electrical Measuring Instruments (d'Arsonval galvanometer,
shunt resistor, voltmeter, ohmmeter, potentiometer) Ch. 27,
Section 3
- Power Distribution Systems: A Case Study in Circuit Analysis
(practical household and automotive electric-power distribution
systems) Ch. 27, Section 5
- Magnetism Ch. 28, Section 1
- Magnetic Fields Ch. 28, Section 2
- Magnetic Field Lines and Magnetic Flux (magnetic flux
through the surface and out of a closed surface)
Ch. 28, Section 3
- Applications of Motion of Charged Particles (velocity
selector, Thompson's e/m Experiment, mass spectrometer,
isotopes) Ch. 28, Section 5
- Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor (the force on
a segment of wire) Ch. 28, Section 6
- Force and Torque on a Current Loop (magnetic moment,
solenoid, potential energy) Ch. 28, Section 7
- Magnetic Field of a Moving Charge - pg. 806 (source point,
field point) Ch. 29, Section 1
- Magnetic Field of a Straight Conductor Ch. 29,
Section 3
- Force Between Parallel Conductors Ch. 29, Section 4
- Magnetic Field of a Circular Loop Ch. 29, Section 5
- Immediate Connections:
- Work (Section 6.3 - Calculus)
- Long Range Connections:
- The force on a charged particle as a cross product (pg. 868 -
University Physics)
- magnetic flux as a surface integral (pg. 871 - University
- Magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor (cross
product) (pg. 766 - University Physics)
Terms used
in this week are explained for you.
Examples for
are also given.
Last modified:6/30/97