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Economic Operation of Power Systems


In this project you will consider the important problem of minimizing the cost of producing a given amount of electrical power from a group of non-identical generators. This is a problem faced by utility companies every day, as changes in consumer demand force them to generate more or less power. The model we will use is a relatively simple one and does not take into account the various complications that can arise due to environmental or other long-term considerations.


Consider first a single power plant. The total cost of operation includes fuel, maintenance, and labor costs, but we will assume that changes in output are relatively small, so that fuel cost is the only important one. If we let P stand for the power output in megawatts (MW) and C be the fuel cost, then Fig. gif shows a typical curve of cost versus power output.

Figure:  Typical Fuel-Cost curve for a single power plant

Note that the cost curve is increasing and concave upward. In practice, a quadratic polynomial is often used to fit fuel-cost data. Note also that there are minimum and maximum values of P, Pmax and Pmin, corresponding to feasible limits of operation of the plant. The need for an upper limit should be clear; a given plant can't produce more power than it is designed for. The lower limit usually comes from thermodynamic and/or practical considerations, e.g. the fuel burning rate has to be above a certain value or the flame goes out.

Now, consider a set of m power generating stations. For each value of i, , we have a power output and associated cost function , corresponding to the power generating plant. Suppose that the total power demand to be served by these power stations is given by . The the economic dispatch problem is to minimize the total cost , given by


subject to the constraints




That is, one has to find values of , satisfying the constraints such that the total cost is a minimum.

This problem is actually a very simplified version of the real thing. Besides the assumptions already mentioned above, this model makes the following additional assumptions.

Exercises and Report

The following exercises are intended to guide you in working through this project. In particular, answers to the second and third exercises below must be included in the Background section of your report and the answers to the remaining questions should appear in the Procedure section. Data to be used in answering some of the questions appears in Table gif. Your report should not be simply answers to the questions. Rather it should be contain a general approach to the economic dispatch problem with and without constraints.

Table:  Power generation - cost data for three power plants.

  1. For this first exercise, assume that there are no upper limits on power generation. For the data given in Table gif find the values of , , and that minimize the total cost for .

  2. The incremental cost, , of the power station is defined by

    For the case that the upper operating limits can be ignored, show in general that the critical point of the cost function occurs when all of the incremental costs are equal. Explain why this result makes sense from a qualitative point of view.

  3. Suppose that there are constraints on the power stations as follows.

    Find the values of , , and that minimize the total cost for .

  4. Suggest a modification of your answer to the second exercise to take constraints on the power stations into account.

  5. Given the constraints in the previous exercise, what policy would you suggest for ?


  1. Monday, April 19. Project handed out.

  2. Thursday, April 29. Draft report due.

  3. Friday, April 30. Draft reports returned.

  4. Friday, April 30 and Monday, May 3. Meetings with me to discuss the draft reports.

  5. May 5. Final reports due.

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William W. Farr
Wed Jul 26 13:43:32 EDT 1995