Moving to Windows SAS Version 8.2 at WPI

Beginning in C term/Spring semester, SAS at WPI will be moving from Unix to Windows. Present Unix SAS users will have to configure Windows SAS. This basically means running a script that will create subdirectories and files in your Unix home directory. If you are running Windows SAS on a PC on which it has not been installed, you will have to install SAS on that PC. Instructions are found below.

After January 31, 2004, the Mathematical Sciences Department will no longer support Unix SAS, though it may still be available for a short grace period after that date. This means that some of the macros in the eisapps library may no longer work properly after January 31.

Installing and Configuring Windows SAS

Details on how to download and configure Windows SAS version 8.2, the currently-supported version, are found at

We are currently working on implementing version 9 and hope to have it ready soon.

A Conflict You May Encounter

Presently, one conflict has been found in running certain macros from Windows SAS. This conflict arises because these macros are configured to access Unix graphics drivers. If you attempt to run one of these macros in Windows SAS, a popup window will appear saying it could not find the specified graphics driver and asking you to specify a driver. You should specify WIN. This conflict should no longer occur after the transition to Windows SAS is complete on February 1.

Attention: New SAS Users

To learn more about SAS, please visit
Joe Petruccelli <>
Last modified: Wed Jan 14 12:47:49 EST 2004